- Head and Neck Cancers
- Salivary Gland Conditions
- Parotids Surgery
- Disorders of the throat
- Voice disorders
- Swallowing difficulty
- Gastroesophageal reflux disease
- Vocal cord medialisation
- Sleep and snoring disorders
- Ear infections
- Hearing loss: Sudden onset of sensorineural hearing loss
- Hearing Loss Assessment
- Aural Toilet (cleaning ear)
- Grommets
- Specialist ear surgery (ear perforation / Myringoplasty, exostosis removal, cholesteatoma surgery, mastoidectomy, stapedectomy
- Snoring
- Sleep apnoea and its three basic categories; mild, moderate, and severe
- Significant health impacts
- ENT medical responses
- Otitis media / glue ear
- Airway problems
- Asthma and allergy / sinus disease
- Tonsillitis / snoring and obstructive sleep apnoea
- Specialised medical treatment of children
- Disorders of the nose and sinuses
- Sinusitis
- Allergy
- Cosmetic surgery (Nose Job)
- Nasal polyps
- Nasal fractures, Nose bleeds, septoplasty, Reduction of turbinate`s, Endoscopic sinus surgery, Rhinoplasty, Advanced Endoscopic Surgery, Pituitary tumours, CSF leaks, Orbital Decompression, Lothrop procedures